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Norway Quality of Life

Bringing together leading evolution, social science, and policy experts to explore, explain, and expand the success behind Norway’s high quality of life from an evolutionary perspective.

Norway Quality of Life Project is a multi-pronged investigation by the Evolution Institute to understand what makes Norway a successful society, ranking #1 in the UN Human Development Index for 12 of the last 15 years, and learn what lessons we can take away to improve our own society and those societies that live in our shadow. It is now ranked as one of the Happiest in the world (the Nordic countries represent four of the top 5 countries).

Humans are a social species. We work together, live together, and learn from each other. Yet, we often find ways to take advantage of each other. The mechanics of evolved human sociability and cooperation, along with an appreciation of the social and political choices Nordic citizens such as Norwegians have made, hold the potential for understanding how to improve the quality of life for all people.

As scientists have deepened our understanding of biology, neuroscience, and the history of culture, we learn that human organizations are complex organisms that have evolved on multiple levels. There are advantages for an individual to be part of a group, yet there are advantages to going it alone and getting a larger piece of the proverbial pie. The urge to cheat and claim the lion’s share is hardwired in us. Yet societies do best and pass on the most genetic information to future generations when teamwork is at play. Political scientist Elinor Ostrom has shown us that the key is finding a way to suppress the natural urge of cheaters while at the same time using sociability to build an equitable society.

In his book, EI science advisor Peter Corning expounds on what is required to create The Fair Society. Some countries manage to live more cooperatively than others. They have adapted to their environment in a way that’s beneficial to the entire social organism. Norway is one example that is illustrative of much of what Corning proposes. We primarily chose Norway as a model of study because of its reliable, presence in a top position, on the United Nations  Human Development Index. The HDI combines economic and biological measures of quality of life (GDP per capita and life expectancy) with educational attainment.

Why Norway? Norway has used the principles of evolutionary cooperation to build a society with the very high levels of social and economic equality. Its social safety net is one of the best in the world and includes free education and healthcare. Opportunity is widely available, as attested by school exam results that show little discrepancy between scores of students from low-income and high-income families. It has one of the highest standards of living in the world. How does it do it?

Although we think of it as an oil-financed haven now, in the nineteenth century Norway was a poor country. It industrialized in the early to mid-20th century and grew on par with most other western European economies. But Norway, separated in 1905 from Sweden and the aristocracy living there, created a society that strove for equality long before the commercialization of its natural resources. During the 20th century, Norway made it a goal to create the most equitable country in world by uniting farmers and workers in the 30s to demand a voice in the workplace and by providing a social safety net for all in the 50s. EI has extensively researched why Norway has such a high quality of life. This has included research to determine whether evolutionary principles can explain why Norwegians have such strong social networks, low levels of violence, and high rates of education and economic productivity. We hope that our findings will provide valuable insights that can be used to improve life in other countries.

Norway has long been recognized as one of the world’s most prosperous and well-ordered countries. A large part of this success can be attributed to the country’s robust social welfare system, which includes a variety of generous welfare benefits and a highly regulated labor market. To further understand how Norway has achieved such success, EI teamed up with leading Norwegian scholars to study the country’s unique approach to social welfare reform, which resulted in a report that outlines the key factors behind Norway’s high quality of life. It found that Norway’s social welfare system is effective and efficient at providing support to those who need it most. In addition, the country’s flexible labor market allows individuals to find good jobs without having to endure long unemployment periods. Norwegians have a high quality of life because they have access to affordable health care and a strong social safety net. The country has a low unemployment rate, which means that people can easily find jobs. The country has one of the lowest rates of poverty and unemployment, making it a desirable place to live and work.

Additionally, there are ample opportunities for recreation and entertainment. The country’s economy is diversified and strong, with many large companies based there. Norwegians also benefit from a well-developed social safety net, which includes generous unemployment insurance and health care benefits. This makes it possible for most people to live comfortably even if they lose their jobs or become ill. The country also has a low crime rate, making it a safe place to live. Consequently, Norway has a cultural ethos of “we’re all in this together” as it:

  • Placed the profits accrued from the sale of gas and oil in a sovereign fund for the people and invests in companies and businesses that are screened by an ethics panel appointed by the government
  • Realized gender equality, with men and women both taking paid leave to care for newborn children. Gender equality has been made possible by special government focus on high-quality day care centers.
  • Created a humane penal system that has very low rates of recidivism
  • Achieved national-level cooperation that supports strong state intervention.
  • Developed a(n approximate) 37-hour work week, with long paid vacations
  • Consistently tops international comparisons of such matters as democracy, civil and political rights, and freedom of expression and the press
  • Allows 15-year-olds their choice of faith, which can include a secular life stance through the Norwegian Humanist Association that the government will financially support.

As opposed to western countries, such as the U.S. and parts of Europe, which are splintering by internal discord, Norway seems to be headed in a positive direction. More people in Norway are happy about their government. As a think tank, our goal is to understand what makes Norway the tide rising that may lift all boats.

For a deeper read, click here to read our magazine about the Norway Project.